RECEIVE $500-$1500 PER CALL.

When debt collectors called you, they never expected you to call us!

Ohio Man Receives $16.4 Million Cable Bill, Woman Receives $286 Million Credit Card Bill

By K&S on April 21st, 2011 | No Comments

Posted in: Credit Card Debt, Debt Collectors

Computers are used to keep track of everything from personnel records, to bank accounts, to loans and revolving credit. When computer glitches occur, they can create havoc in your life. Just ask Daniel DeVirgilio, an Ohio man who recently received a cable bill for $16.4 million. An engineer at Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, he did…

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Foreclosures and the FDCPA

By K&S on April 15th, 2011 | No Comments

Posted in: Fair Debt Collection Practices Act, FDCPA

Foreclosures and falling home prices continue to plague Americans all over the country. According to a report by 60 Minutes, banks that want to foreclose on homes can’t find the original ownership documents. Where did they go? It turns out that corners were cut by lenders and their investors on Wall Street by not maintaining…

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Collection Calls as a Result of Identity Theft

In most cases, people who receive collection calls accrued the debt themselves and have fallen behind on their payments. In some instances, however, these charges are a result of identity theft. Because people rely on technology to pay bills and make banking transactions, it is important to stay protected against hackers and Internet fraud. The…

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The Reason for Debt Harassment

By K&S on March 23rd, 2011 | 1 Comment

Posted in: Credit Card Debt, Debt Collection Methods, Debt Collectors

It is important to understand why collection calls feel like harassment in order to deal with the stress they create. Many Americans have fallen behind on their credit card, mortgage, and/or car payments because they have experienced some form of financial difficulty. This causes stress on the individual, as well as family and friends that…

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Debt Harassment is #1 on List of Consumer Complaints

According to the “Top 10 List of Complaints” by Illinois consumers last year, phone calls regarding consumer debt harassment topped the list at number one. This statistic proves two things: that the state is still suffering from high unemployment rates and other financial troubles as a result of the failed economy, and people are as…

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Despite the Still-Weakened Economy, Debt Collector comes Out on Top

While millions of Americans must grapple in this difficult and topsy-turvy economy, some businesses continue to thrive. In fact, Portfolio Recovery Associates, Inc., a company that purchases, collects, and manages consumer debt, are reporting record-breaking profits. Portfolio Recovery Associates, like other debt collectors, makes money by purchasing consumer debts from creditors, banks and other financial…

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Debt Harassment Attorney Discusses the Abusive Methods of Debt Collectors

Are you experiencing debt harassment?  Collection agencies often prey on consumers.  Why?  Because it is in their best interest to scare consumers into paying.  Creditors often use collection agencies to recover funds on delinquent accounts.  The collection agencies are handsomely paid for their services, which often involve nagging collection calls and a barrage of written…

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Our Pledge to Clients and Consumers, to Ensure Fair Debt Collection

Our law firm Kimmel & Silverman, P.C. 800-NOT-FAIR, pledges to stand against unfair debt collection acts and practices. We promise to ensure our clients are treated fairly and with respect by debt collectors and their collection lawyers.  We will not stand for abuse or collection harassment towards our clients, nor allow them to be…

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Know your rights when dealing with collection agency harassment

Unmanageable debt has become a way of life for a majority of Americans. Even as our government struggles to survive its own massive deficits, it is not surprising that we as individuals often have difficulty meeting our credit card payments, mortgages and car loans, especially when interest rates and bank fees are designed to keep…

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Deceased Womans Name Was Robo-Signed on Thousands of Affidavits

In 2008, Portfolio Recovery Associates Inc. was sued for fraud after affidavits were submitted bearing the name of Martha Kunkle, who died in 1995. It appears that Martha Kunkle has come back to life. Last July, lawyers for Portfolio Recovery Associates sought judgment in a lawsuit against a Seattle woman for $2,892.10 in credit-card debt…

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