RECEIVE $500-$1500 PER CALL.

When debt collectors called you, they never expected you to call us!

JPMorgan Chase Hit With SEC Whistleblower Complaint Over Credit Card Practices

The allegations charge JPMorgan with robo-signing, which is the automatic generation of documents such as foreclosure notices without a notary or following the legal process, among other illegal practices.

Debt Collection Harassment Attorney Appears on Fox News to Discuss Capital One Harassment

Debt collection harassment attorney Craig Kimmel and client Patrice Perry appeared on Fox News to discuss a case against Capital One.

Debt Collection Harassment Attorney to Discuss Capital One Story on Fox News

The story surrounding Capital One’s $286 million demand letter is making headlines across the Country, everywhere from National Public Radio to The Consumerist to the UPI wire.

What’s in Her Wallet? Well, Not $286,651,237

Perry’s troubles started in May 2009, when Capital One began trying to collect an alleged credit-card debt from her, according to the suit. The company not only called her at home and at work repeatedly, it also called her family and co-workers, the suit said.

Woman Sues Capital One For Debt Collection Harassment After Letter Demanding $286 Million

Capital One first demanded Perry pay $3,845 for purchases on a credit card. Perry disputed the debt and turned the letter over to her family lawyer, who wrote Capital One to cease and desist contacting Perry directly. Disregarding the letter, Capital One allegedly stepped up collection efforts, placing more calls to Perry and claiming that it was doing so because the lawyer did not make a substantial settlement offer to resolve the account. Telephone calls were made to her home and workplace, where she alleges, her employer does not allow personal calls.

Boom in Debt Buying Fuels Another Boom in Lawsuits

Roughly 94% of collection cases filed against borrowers result in default judgments in favor of the debt buyer, according to industry estimates. The majority of borrowers don’t have a lawyer, some don’t know they are even being sued, and others don’t appear in court, say judges.

Women Sues Debt Collector Over FB Messages

Regardless of what kind of medium debt collectors use to reach consumers, they are prohibited from revealing information to third parties and cannot make false, deceptive, misleading or harassing representations.

Collection Agency Faced Sanctions After Wrongly Identifying a Debtor

The collection agency of Pressler & Pressler has a track record of wrongfully identifying consumers and strings of violations of the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act. In a recent case, Mr. Mark Hoyte was wrongfully identified by Pressler & Pressler as a debtor who owed $919 on a Sears-Citi credit card. Pressler & Pressler hired…

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SSA Group (South Shore Associates Group) of Hamburg New York Threatens Consumers!

Listen! Don’t pay this debt collector under any circumstances! Voice mail from SSA Group to a consumer

Debt Collectors Face a Hazard of Writers Cramp

Banks have been under siege in recent weeks for widespread corner-cutting in the rush to process delinquent mortgages. The accusations have stirred outrage and set off investigations by attorneys general across the country, prompting several leading banks to temporarily cease foreclosures.

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