RECEIVE $500-$1500 PER CALL.

When debt collectors called you, they never expected you to call us!

Debt Collector Faked Court Hearings to Trick Consumers into Paying Up Says Suit

This is an unconscionable attempt to use fake court proceedings to deceive, mislead or frighten consumers into making payments or surrendering valuables to Unicredit without following lawful procedures for debt collection,” says Corbett in the release.

An Insider Look at How Debt Collectors View the FDCPA

These debt collectors view their violations of the FDCPA as a business decision instead of a lawful requirement that may must abide by.

State of Illinois Sues Debt Collector for $23.7 Million

By K&S on October 5th, 2010 | No Comments

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A Cook County judge ordered the law firm of Friedman & Wexler and its lawyers Mitchell Wexler and Norman Wexler to pay the damages as a result of a lawsuit the Illinois Student Assistance Commission filed in 2006.

Reviewing the Top 5 FDCPA Complaints in 2009

“…the FTC received more complaints about the debt collection industry than any other industry. In 2009, the FTC received 119,364 complaints about first- and third-party debt collectors, up from 104,766 in 2008—an increase of nearly 15,000 complaints.”

Lawsuit Points to Alleged New Tool in Debt-Collection Arsenal: Facebook

Locating her social networking site also helped them find relatives’ Facebook pages. Then, she alleges in a lawsuit, they sent messages on the social networking site to a sister and a cousin of hers, prompting a wider family discussion about Beacham’s financial situation,

Tips for Dealing with Debt Collectors

Recently, Credit Law attorney Craig Thor Kimmel appeared with NBC10’s Tracy Davidson on “Survive & Thrive” to discuss how consumers can fight back against debt collection harassment.

Debt Collectors Using Social Media to Find Debtors

From Fox & Friends–Debt collectors are doing all they can to find you, even searching Facebook. A must-see.

NCO Financial Systems: A dreadful third party collection agency

The FDCPA has laid down the guidelines for fair collection practices in order to protect consumers from being harassed by mean debt collectors. A creditor has a right to collect payment from you. But, debt collectors by no means are creditors; they are third party collectors and should not be allowed to browbeat you into believing their superiority.

Old Debts That Won’t Die

…more than a decade later, Mr. McCollough, who is 52 and lives in Laurel, Mont., is still haunted by the unpaid balance, which was originally about $3,000.

NY Law Firm Files 80,000 Suits a Year with 14 Lawyers

a New Mexico lawyer who represents consumers in debt collection cases, criticizes the automated suits as “the factory approach to practicing law.”

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