We Represent Consumers In Cases Against Robocallers, Telemarketers, Debt Collectors, Financial Institutions And Credit Bureaus.
Debt Collection Calls are never a pleasant experience but chances are, there is a reason you are being contacted. The first thing you want to do is take control of the call. Do this by asking questions. What is the company name? Where are they located? Tell me more about my debt history? Take notes and make it obvious that you are taking notes. Ask them their name. What company do they work for? All of these questions will most likely throw the collection caller off their script and put you in control so that you can find the time to sort yourself out. This is also the time when debt collectors will get flustered and move to violate your rights so it’s important that you know what those rights are. Review the full Fair Debt Collection Practices Act and if that’s too much, check our Stop Debt Harassment summary which should offer a snapshot of key points to take away from a collection call. Debt Collectors should not be:
# Misrepresenting the debt or
# Claiming that he or she is an attorney or law enforcement officer
# Publishing the consumer’s name or address on a “bad debt” list
# Seeking unjustified amounts not permitted under an applicable contract and law
If the debt collector has violated your rights, the opportunity exists to do something about it.
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