We Represent Consumers In Cases Against Robocallers, Telemarketers, Debt Collectors, Financial Institutions And Credit Bureaus.
Debt Collectors can be nasty and have earned their reputation for not being easy to deal with. It is easier it seems to avoid them altogether, hoping that the problem will go away on its own. Unfortunately, collection agencies have a hard time giving up. They know they are supposed to work within the rules set forth in the FDCPA and yet they often continue to violate them one way or another. They know that a debt collector can do more to make life difficult and aggravating for consumers when it comes to student loans, than other collections, and can take a judgment against you without even filing a complaint. Federal loans also carry with them the opportunity for debt collectors to have employment wages garnished or have a tax refund paid to the lender directly.
If you have a Federally sponsored student loan and cannot pay, and wish to avoid debt collectors, either write a letter demanding the collector to cease contact; or, ask in writing for a deferment on your loan; or better yet, negotiate the balance, perhaps through an attorney (not a “debt settlement company”). Because student loans are different types of debt than typical consumer purchases, debt collectors are often instructed by the lender to agree to deferments or in some cases a reduction of the entire amount, payable over time. Whether it is because of a difficult economy, finding and keeping a job, a disability, care for a family member, personal illness or military service, these options can be very helpful and make things easier for you to handle.
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