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The Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA) is a federal law that protects consumers from inaccurate credit report information and provides for monetary damages when erroneous information is not corrected in a timely fashion.
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Under the Fair Credit Reporting Act, you MUST take the first step to fix Credit Report errors. They do not fix themselves. Unsure what to do? Need help? Contact Kimmel & Silverman at 1 (800) NOT FAIR , that’s 1 (800) 668 3247 or contact us online.
Credit Reports determine whether you will be approved for something you want or need and along with your credit score, determines what you will pay. The more accurate your Credit Report the better. Inaccurate information has the opposite affect impacting your ability to purchase a home, buy or lease a car, secure or maintain credit cards, buy insurance, and/or be considered for or retain your job and more. And if you are in the military, credit report errors can block promotions or actually result in reduction in rank.
Credit Reports are regularly checked by lenders. One example is a revolving account such as a credit card. If inaccurate information appears on your Credit Report, many lenders will automatically reduce the amount of credit available to you or increase the cost in the form of interest charged for continued use of the card.
Do You Know What Your Credit Report Contains Right Now? Most people don’t. When they do check, it often is after they have been denied credit. That is why maintaining an accurate Credit Report is your best way to protect yourself and your family. If you notice an error, take action immediately to fix it or face problems later, usually after it is too late.
Credit Reports are not easy to understand without knowing how to read them. Abbreviations, codes, boxes and data spread out across page after page of entries can make the job frustrating and lead to confusion.
It is true. Even after being notified of an error or inaccuracy in a Credit Report, the credit reporting agencies, the largest being TransUnion, Equifax and Experian, very often fail to correct or update your credit report. They may say that they have “verified” information or “found it to be accurate” even if it is clear that they have not done their job to conduct a reasonable investigation of the issue. There are many other reasons for that type of response, but the law does provide a way of helping. The Fair Credit Reporting Act provides the right to force the credit reporting agencies (and the furnisher of that inaccurate information) to fix the error(s), pay monetary damages to the consumer, and pay attorney fees and costs incurred to help the consumer deal with the issue.
The Fair Credit Reporting Act (“FRCA”) requires your dispute to be answered in writing after a reasonable investigation is conducted by the Credit Reporting Agency, This is the case for each of the three agencies that receive your dispute.
If during the waiting period or in the written response you receive, a request is made for more information and/or documentation, it is in your best interest to provide it.
If you have provided more information or were not asked to do so, and then receive a letter stating that the Credit Reporting Agency has not removed the disputed information, you may assert your legal rights by filing an FCRA claim for correction and damages incurred, plus attorney fees and costs spent to obtain that result. Our firm is glad to speak with you about cost-free legal representation.
The FCRA is designed to protect consumers and to ensure accuracy of information in Credit Reports. The law is on your side.
If your Credit Report contains inaccurate or false information or you cannot get the agency to correct it, contact us at 1-800-NOT FAIR (1-800-668-3247) or email us We’ll get to the bottom of it and get you the compensation you deserve, all without any cost to you.
Kimmel & Silverman limits legal representation to consumer claims, having become one of the most respected and largest consumer law firms in the country. Since 1991 we have provided cost-free legal help to more than 100,000 consumers. Featured in the pages of The Wall Street Journal, The New York Times, Kiplinger’s, Consumer Reports, Good Morning America, The CBS Early Show and scores of TV and radio programs, our nationally-recognized experience is equipped to get clients the recovery they deserve.