We Represent Consumers In Cases Against Robocallers, Telemarketers, Debt Collectors, Financial Institutions And Credit Bureaus.
If NCO Financial or its callers used abusive collection tactics, the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act (FDCPA) has been violated and you have the right to seek recovery and free legal help!
NOTICE: NCO Financial is doing most business under a different name:
Transworld Systems Inc.
NCO is a leading debt collection agency that is governed by the FDCPA. NCO has a track record of violating the FDPCA and of using abusive collections practices against consumers. After hundreds of complaints, Attorney Generals from 19 states had previously charged NCO with:
The Better Business Bureau lowered NCO’s rating due to the amount of government actions taken against them. These actions were taken against violations of the FDPCA by NCO and resulted in a fine of over $3 million.
NCO Financial Systems, Inc
507 Prudential Rd
Horsham, PA 19044
If you receive a call from NCO, you are not required to give them any personal information – especially checking or savings account numbers or your social security number. If you do give out bank account numbers, collectors may withdraw funds, claiming your permission was granted when you gave out the number.
If you have been the victim of frequent, abusive, harassing, or unfair telephone calls from NCO Financial, your rights have been violated. If you want it to stop within 24 hours, we encourage you to contact our free legal service. We are dedicated to ending violations of the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act.
If you have been harassed by NCO Financial, contact us at 1-800 NOT FAIR (1-800-668-3247).